Dicen que la mentira tiene las patas cortas, en el caso de la "gaza" y la "palestina" al borde del abismo humanitario se hace más patente.
All of these are worthy activities for people who are in desperate need.
There is a bit of a disconnect between how "Palestine" is described in UNDP and other UN literature and how it is presented in this video. From reading the UNDP quote above, for example, you would believe that Palestinian Arabs are poor and in need of a lot of assistance from the outside.
Watching the video, one gets the opposite impression. "Palestine" is a place where businessmen and wealthy tourists do not have to compromise on their standards, where luxury is the norm:
The irony is that the video was funded by - the UNDP!
The UN has a vested interest in making the PalArab territories appear impoverished and oppressed, but it is funding a video that makes those same areas appear luxurious and trendy.
It is a bit hypocritical to claim poverty and a demand UN handouts in order to make a video that shows such apparent riches.
The UNDP does lots of impressive things - helping provide clean water, sustainable food supplies, medical infrastructure, microloans to help women in developing countries, and so on. Somehow I don't think that helping tourism is one of their core goals. (They do discuss eco-tourism on their site to help out impoverished countries and protect their natural resources, but this is nothing like that.)
The sad fact is that giving money to Palestinian Arabs is no longer even vaguely related to their need. It is trendy, not necessary. Their money train is now running on inertia.
No more proof is needed than the Hoping Foundation benefit "for Palestinian refugee children" held in England this week, where dozens of airhead celebrities dressed up and hung out - raising hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Look at their pictures. You can just feel how much they care about "Palestine."
Autor: Elder of Ziyon
Source: http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/