No importa si los españoles participaron o no, el hecho de que formen parte de los aliados que
combaten contra "milicianos" talibanes los convierte de facto en complices del crimen, docenas de civiles inocentes han sido asesinados por los ejercitos alidados de EE.UU, UK, y España. Como bien podemos leer mas abajo, los EE.UU confirman que una coalición de fuerzas participaron en la batalla.
Y ya que a la justicia española, afin al riguroso y negro antisemitismo trasnochado de ZP y de su gobierno socialista, le gusta tanto juzgar a otros, o lo que es lo mismo ver la paja en ojo ajeno y obviar la viga en el propio, que España sea a partir de ahora examinada con lupa y reciba en retribución lo que más que ninguna otra nación de la tierra, por su historia, se merece.
Los ejércitos de media Europa y el de los EE.UU están combatiendo juntos en un país que no es de ninguno de ellos, contra un enemigo que nunca ha lanzado un solo misil sobre sus ciudades, un enemigo cuyos "milicianos" nunca se han hecho explotar en autobuses de París, Londres o Barcelona, ni en ninguna de las muchas iglesias que existen a lo largo y ancho de la geografía europea. Europa lucha contra un enemigo al que ningún comite de ayuda al "pobre pueblo afgano" ha concedido jamás un centimo.
En Afganistan las naciones invasoras de occidente, entre las que se encuentra España, cometen a diario crimenes, directos o indirectos, contra la humanidad donde decenas de civiles mueren a causa de las batallas, o por estar en el peor momento y en el lugar equivocado, o porque son empujadas por los talibanes a servirles de escudos humanos.Una coalición de fuerzas occidentales que con la excusa de ayudar a un presidente musulman afín a la política europea, coharta la libertad de los talibanes para extender su ideología por oriente próximo y lejano.
Una coalición internacional que luchó contra un enemigo en una batalla más y entre la que no importa si estaba el ejercito español o no, el hecho de estar alli lo convierte en complice de este crimen contra la humanidad.
Pero nadie juzgara a España ¿saben por qué? porque Israel no tiene frontera con Afganistan.
España al Tribunal Internacional de la Haya!!!!
Rafael T.Perez
Afghan officials say dozens dead in airstrikes
AP - martes, 05 de mayo de 2009

Y ya que a la justicia española, afin al riguroso y negro antisemitismo trasnochado de ZP y de su gobierno socialista, le gusta tanto juzgar a otros, o lo que es lo mismo ver la paja en ojo ajeno y obviar la viga en el propio, que España sea a partir de ahora examinada con lupa y reciba en retribución lo que más que ninguna otra nación de la tierra, por su historia, se merece.
Los ejércitos de media Europa y el de los EE.UU están combatiendo juntos en un país que no es de ninguno de ellos, contra un enemigo que nunca ha lanzado un solo misil sobre sus ciudades, un enemigo cuyos "milicianos" nunca se han hecho explotar en autobuses de París, Londres o Barcelona, ni en ninguna de las muchas iglesias que existen a lo largo y ancho de la geografía europea. Europa lucha contra un enemigo al que ningún comite de ayuda al "pobre pueblo afgano" ha concedido jamás un centimo.
En Afganistan las naciones invasoras de occidente, entre las que se encuentra España, cometen a diario crimenes, directos o indirectos, contra la humanidad donde decenas de civiles mueren a causa de las batallas, o por estar en el peor momento y en el lugar equivocado, o porque son empujadas por los talibanes a servirles de escudos humanos.Una coalición de fuerzas occidentales que con la excusa de ayudar a un presidente musulman afín a la política europea, coharta la libertad de los talibanes para extender su ideología por oriente próximo y lejano.
Una coalición internacional que luchó contra un enemigo en una batalla más y entre la que no importa si estaba el ejercito español o no, el hecho de estar alli lo convierte en complice de este crimen contra la humanidad.
Pero nadie juzgara a España ¿saben por qué? porque Israel no tiene frontera con Afganistan.
España al Tribunal Internacional de la Haya!!!!
Rafael T.Perez
Afghan officials say dozens dead in airstrikes
AP - martes, 05 de mayo de 2009
Bombing runs by U.S.-led coalition jets killed dozens of civilians taking shelter from a fierce ground battle between Taliban militants and Afghan and international forces, two Afghan officials said Tuesday. The U.S. confirmed fighting Monday in western Afghanistan and said reports of civilian deaths were under investigation.One Afghan official said angry and mournful villagers transported an estimated 30 bodies to a provincial capital to show officials.
Other officials estimated the civilian toll to be between 70 and 100.
Civilian deaths have caused increasing friction between the Afghan government and the U.S., and President Hamid Karzai has long pleaded with U.S. officials to reduce the number of civilian casualties in their operations. Karzai meets with President Barack Obama in Washington on Wednesday. Taliban fighters massed in Farah province in western Afghanistan on Monday, and fighting broke out soon after, said Belqis Roshan, a member of Farah's provincial council.
Villagers told Afghan officials that they put children, women, and elderly men in several housing compounds away from the fighting to keep them safe. But the villagers said fighter aircraft later targeted those compounds in the village of Gerani, killing a majority of those inside, Roshan and other officials said.
Abdul Basir Khan, a member of Farah's provincial council, said villagers brought bodies, including women and children, to Farah city to show the province's governor. Khan said it was difficult to count the bodies because they had had been badly mutilated, but he estimated that villagers brought around 30.
Estimates of the total number of dead varied widely, and no officials were able to travel to Bala Baluk on Tuesday because the region is so dangerous. Afghan officials, citing villager accounts, were told that the death toll ranged between 70 and well over 100. Roshan said she told villagers to take photos and video of the destruction and bodies.
The top U.S. spokesman in Afghanistan, Col. Greg Julian, confirmed U.S. coalition forces participated in the battle. Julian said several wounded Afghans sought medical treatment at a military base in Farah, but officials were still investigating the reports of civilian deaths.
The issue of civilian deaths is complicated. Journalists and human rights workers can rarely visit remote battle sites to verify claims of civilian casualties. U.S. officials say Taliban militants sometimes force villagers to falsely claims that civilians have died to support its information warfare campaign.
But the villagers' claims on Tuesday were bolstered by wounded villagers who traveled to Farah's hospital for care, some of whom told stories of multiple family members being killed.
And the several truckloads of bodies taken to Farah city added more weight to the villagers' claims.Mohammad Nieem Qadderdan, the former top official in the district of Bala Baluk, said he saw dozens of bodies when he visited the village of Gerani."These houses that were full of children and women and elders were bombed by planes. It is very difficult to say how many were killed because nobody can count the number, it is too early," Qadderdan, who no longer holds a government position, told The Associated Press by telephone.
"People are digging through rubble with shovels and hands." Farah's provincial police chief said 25 Taliban fighters and three Afghan policemen died in the fighting."Afghan and foreign forces conducted an operation between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. (Monday). They have killed more than 25 Taliban. Most of the dead bodies are there," Abdul Ghafar said. He could not confirm reports of civilian casualties.Qadderdan said there "are more than 100 civilians dead" and about 10 houses were destroyed.
He said the wounded Afghans had been severely burned. Qadderdan's numbers were not immediately confirmed by any other official.Qadderdan said the civilian casualties were "worse than Azizabad," a reference to an August 2008 strike in a district immediately to the north of Bala Baluk.
An Afghan government commission found that an operation by U.S. forces killed 90 civilians in Azizabad, a finding backed by the U.N.
The U.S. originally said no civilians died; a high-level investigation later concluded 33 civilians were killed.A
fter the Azizabad killings, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, announced a directive last September meant to reduce such deaths.
He ordered commanders to consider breaking away from a firefight in populated areas rather than pursue militants into villages.Associated Press writer Noor Khan in Kanadahar contributed to this report.
(This version CORRECTS location of fighting from southern to western Afghanistan.)
Fuente: Yahoo news
Bombing runs by U.S.-led coalition jets killed dozens of civilians taking shelter from a fierce ground battle between Taliban militants and Afghan and international forces, two Afghan officials said Tuesday. The U.S. confirmed fighting Monday in western Afghanistan and said reports of civilian deaths were under investigation.One Afghan official said angry and mournful villagers transported an estimated 30 bodies to a provincial capital to show officials.
Other officials estimated the civilian toll to be between 70 and 100.
Civilian deaths have caused increasing friction between the Afghan government and the U.S., and President Hamid Karzai has long pleaded with U.S. officials to reduce the number of civilian casualties in their operations. Karzai meets with President Barack Obama in Washington on Wednesday. Taliban fighters massed in Farah province in western Afghanistan on Monday, and fighting broke out soon after, said Belqis Roshan, a member of Farah's provincial council.
Villagers told Afghan officials that they put children, women, and elderly men in several housing compounds away from the fighting to keep them safe. But the villagers said fighter aircraft later targeted those compounds in the village of Gerani, killing a majority of those inside, Roshan and other officials said.
Abdul Basir Khan, a member of Farah's provincial council, said villagers brought bodies, including women and children, to Farah city to show the province's governor. Khan said it was difficult to count the bodies because they had had been badly mutilated, but he estimated that villagers brought around 30.
Estimates of the total number of dead varied widely, and no officials were able to travel to Bala Baluk on Tuesday because the region is so dangerous. Afghan officials, citing villager accounts, were told that the death toll ranged between 70 and well over 100. Roshan said she told villagers to take photos and video of the destruction and bodies.
The top U.S. spokesman in Afghanistan, Col. Greg Julian, confirmed U.S. coalition forces participated in the battle. Julian said several wounded Afghans sought medical treatment at a military base in Farah, but officials were still investigating the reports of civilian deaths.
The issue of civilian deaths is complicated. Journalists and human rights workers can rarely visit remote battle sites to verify claims of civilian casualties. U.S. officials say Taliban militants sometimes force villagers to falsely claims that civilians have died to support its information warfare campaign.
But the villagers' claims on Tuesday were bolstered by wounded villagers who traveled to Farah's hospital for care, some of whom told stories of multiple family members being killed.
And the several truckloads of bodies taken to Farah city added more weight to the villagers' claims.Mohammad Nieem Qadderdan, the former top official in the district of Bala Baluk, said he saw dozens of bodies when he visited the village of Gerani."These houses that were full of children and women and elders were bombed by planes. It is very difficult to say how many were killed because nobody can count the number, it is too early," Qadderdan, who no longer holds a government position, told The Associated Press by telephone.
"People are digging through rubble with shovels and hands." Farah's provincial police chief said 25 Taliban fighters and three Afghan policemen died in the fighting."Afghan and foreign forces conducted an operation between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. (Monday). They have killed more than 25 Taliban. Most of the dead bodies are there," Abdul Ghafar said. He could not confirm reports of civilian casualties.Qadderdan said there "are more than 100 civilians dead" and about 10 houses were destroyed.
He said the wounded Afghans had been severely burned. Qadderdan's numbers were not immediately confirmed by any other official.Qadderdan said the civilian casualties were "worse than Azizabad," a reference to an August 2008 strike in a district immediately to the north of Bala Baluk.
An Afghan government commission found that an operation by U.S. forces killed 90 civilians in Azizabad, a finding backed by the U.N.
The U.S. originally said no civilians died; a high-level investigation later concluded 33 civilians were killed.A
fter the Azizabad killings, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, announced a directive last September meant to reduce such deaths.
He ordered commanders to consider breaking away from a firefight in populated areas rather than pursue militants into villages.Associated Press writer Noor Khan in Kanadahar contributed to this report.
(This version CORRECTS location of fighting from southern to western Afghanistan.)
Fuente: Yahoo news
1 comentario:
Me llamo Máximo Décimo Meridio, Capitán de las legiones Fénix, General de los ejércitos del norte... leal servidor del verdadero emperador Marco Aurelio., padre de un hijo asesinado, esposo de una mujer asesinada, amigo personal de Espartaco que fue asesinado en la cruz, y exijo enérgicamente que sean investigados los delitos de Cómodo, del Senado Romano, del Centurión que estaba de guardia ese día, de los patricios que subvencionaron con sus denarios la construccion de la cruz, de los carpinteros que la construyeron y de los esclavos que hicieron el agujero para clavarla.
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